Al-Hamiya Arabic College Profile
Himayathul Islam Movement is an independent, non-governmental, non-profitable and charitable organization. It works under its own Memorandum of Articles of Association and leadership quality. It has no affiliation with any regional ethnic or political organization of Sri Lanka or anywhere in the world. It holds brotherhood, rank correlation, peace and prosperous among all the religious societies and respect of creed of whole religion’s thoughts. Especially, the movement focuses on the social development. It considers the basic requirement of our community needs on Islamic education among our Islamic society.
The Himayathul Islam provides structure to encourage the positive engagement and integration of the youths in our social environment. It also aims to assist towards diffusing social tensions and it prevents the youths from extremism and it will result in positive approach among the societies. The association educates the youths and public to obey and honor the law our mother Lanka. And Himayathul Islam is Located in Kalmunai, the Divisional Secretariat area of Ampara District in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka.